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The Open Access Declaration signed by the faculty of the McIntyre Library at UW-Eau Claire is as follows:

As librarians, we are committed to providing open access to scholarly information. Through open access, scholarly works are disseminated to the widest possible audience. While this helps scholars achieve greater recognition, it also places more resources at the fingertips or our students and researchers. In addition, open access also helps show how carefully allocated resources, which fund positions and scholarship, benefits everyone in the State of Wisconsin. It should come as no surprise that as librarians, we are not only committed to providing our students and researchers with open access to scholarly content, but equally focused on disseminating our own scholarship through open access options.

It is important, however, to point out that while we are committed to open access we also understand the costs associated with publishing scholarly works. It is our goal to work closely with publishers in order to carefully balance our rights as authors and copyright holders with the needs of publishers.

Be it therefore resolved that the undersigned faculty librarians of the W.D. McIntyre Library at the University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire are committed to open access and will strive to achieve open access for our own scholarly publications.

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