Accessibility information for McIntyre Library

There is limited parking next to the library for vehicles with disabled permits or plates.
Campus Permit Holders may park in the ADA stalls.
Visitors need a free visitor parking pass along with their disabled permit or plates.
Driving to the library ADA stalls: from the Phillips lot behind the Davies Center, drive behind the College of Nursing until you hit the Garfield pedestrian walkway. The walkway is closed to vehicles, except for service cars and trucks and drivers with a disabled permit. Drive slowly until you reach the small ADA parking lot by the library.
Building Access
Mcintyre Library can be accessed from the Garfield pedestrian entrance (by the river) or the campus Mall. The Mall entrance can be approached by the walkway that extends in front of Schofield Hall or by a flight of 10 stairs from the direction of the Davies Center.
Three elevators serve all 6 floors of the library.
Floors 1, 2, 4, and 5 have accessible single-sex bathrooms southwest corner, looking over the Little Niagara Creek. All-gender bathrooms closest to the elevators are marginally accessible.
Accessible Drinking Fountains
There are bottle-filler stations with ADA compliant drinking fountains on floors 1-5.
Lockers on the lower level and 5th floor are available for checkout. The loan period is for one week, but can be extended up to a semester upon request.
Study Spaces
Height adjustable tables – There is one height adjustable table on the first floor of the library past the elevators and next to the Library Instruction Lab 1033.
The library has a multitude of fixed height tables throughout the open study areas in the building. There are both high-top round tables and sitting height rectangular tables.
Quiet and Distraction-free Study Zones
The 4th and 5th floors of the library are quiet study zones. Study rooms also provide quiet places to study and are the best distraction-free area. Most are first come, first served, but student conference rooms can be reserved ahead of time. Read more about study room checkout.
Animal Policy
Service animals as defined in the UW-Eau Claire policy are allowed in McIntyre Library. We work with the Services for Students with Disabilities office each semester to get information about students’ approved service dogs.
Approved and certified therapy dogs may be near the entrance for scheduled visits as part of our therapy dog program. Times can be found on the library’s website under ‘Events’ or the university calendar. State legislature policy UWS 18.08 states that “Pets are prohibited in all buildings all times” unless a chief administrative officer makes an exception. Employees participating in Bark Break and their animals may be in the building on scheduled ‘Bark Break’ days.
Getting Physical Items from the Library
Request Books from a Shelf (Hold Requests)
To request a book be pulled from the shelf and be put on hold
- Locate the item in Library Search
- Click the title if the item is 'Available at McIntyre Library'
- Sign in to Library Search
- Click 'Hold Request'
- Select pick-up location
- Click 'Submit'
You will get an email when the item is ready for you at the Library Main Desk.
Proxy Borrowing
Designate up to two people to check out library items on your behalf. Complete the Proxy Authorization Form to activate this service.
Library by Mail
The library will mail items to students, faculty, and staff free of charge who are not able to visit campus regularly, including those participating in online courses, studying abroad, people with disabilities, or residing outside Eau Claire.
Users are responsible for the return costs.
Items that can be mailed (or emailed when possible): Books, journal articles, scanned microfilm or microfiche articles, CDs, and DVDs
Extended Loans
Checkout time for loans usually can be extended, especially on low demand items.
To extend your loan you can email, call 715-836-3856, or try renewing in your online library account.
The KIC Scanners on the first floor of the library offer full OCR (optical character reading) scanning. The Follow-me printers also can produce searchable PDFs. A searchable PDF allows you to click ‘Ctrl+F’ on your keyboard and search a word or phrase in the document and works with screen reader software.
To make a document a searchable PDF with a Follow-me printer:
- Tap your Blugold ID or login to the Follow-Me Printer
- Select 'Scan'
- Touch 'Scan to Searchable PDF'
- To scan more than one page, check the box next to "Prompt for more pages"
- Put document on scanning bed
- Tap 'Start Scanning'
To make a document a searchable PDF with the library’s KIC scanner:
- Place document face down on scanner
- Tap 'Scan'
- Accept copyright notice
- Tap 'More" in the upper right-hand corner of step 3
- Select export option
- Select "Searchable PDF" for file format
- Click 'Send'
Interlibrary Library Loan:
Articles and chapters - Most libraries will send files that are usable with a screen reader. Please contact us if you receive an unusable scan through email.
Closed captioning
Whenever possible, McIntyre Library buys streaming video that comes with closed captioning. Closed captioning for inaccessible video can be arranged through Services for Students with Disabilities.